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Everywhere Nowhere Book

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    Order The Book

    Title: Everywhere Nowhere
    Subtitle: No One Really Dies As Long As You’re Alive
    Author Daniel J. Marco
    Co-Author Barbara Saint John
    Size: 6 in. x 9 in.
    Pages: 252
    From the first moment of the indescribable loss of a child in a senseless murder to the loss of everything he knew, his career, his wife, his life, to the beginning of his recovery, Daniel J. Marco tells his story of loss, of love, of crippling and debilitating grief, and of the moments when he begins to see the light of life, again. He tells of his journey from the inside, while he’s still in it; a journey he is still on today, but one that is now laced with considerable light and hope.

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    Everywhere Nowhere (paperback)

    Everywhere Nowhere (ebook)

    Everywhere Nowhere (Audio Book)

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